Why Manila Luzon will win All Stars 4

Liam Campbell
4 min readJan 10, 2019


Maybe it's something to do with the fact that I'm writing this whilst en route to actual Manila, Philippines, but more and more I'm moving firmly into #TeamManila territory. Although I previously wrote that Latrice would, and should, win AS4, things didn't quite pan out that way once the show actually started. Latrice wasn't working up to her potential. But Manila has been performing like an all star since week one. So I now revise my prediction to say that Manila will, and should, win Rupaul's Drag Race All Stars 4.

It was always clear that she had the talent, the drive, and the well-roundedness required to excel through every sort of challenge thrown by the competition. But my problem with Manila was always that she was somehow just not likeable enough to triumph. That's why even though in her own season she was probably the best overall performer, she couldn't quite beat Raja. The closing speeches of Series 3 made it clear. While Raja talked with tears in her eyes about how she was this awkward, bullied queer kid trying to prove that you could be happy by being yourself, Manila just came across as a privileged suburban kid. People like vulnerability, they like a sob story, and they enjoy TV personalities who have overcome adversity — that's why someone like Latrice can bomb in the competition and people still adore her.

Has the problem gone away? Not really. When I watch Drag Race at my local bar, the audience all clearly enjoys Manila but they don't screech with excitement at her, and the drag queen who hosts the night, Yolandi Fizzure, can't seem to stand her. The only contestants that really stir the crowd this year are Valentina and Trinity Taylor, two queens who are also doing very well. The fourth queen who's so far doing the best on the show is Monique Heart, but for whatever reason, the audience seems annoyed with her. Personally I'm not annoyed with her. Yes, she's plugging her brand rather incessantly, but is that not what you're supposed to do? At least her brown cow isn't as silly as Monet's sponges! But Monique won't win because she's not quite ready, still a bit too rough around the edges.

As for Valentina, she probably does have what it takes but there's too much confidence standing in the way of self-awareness (as seen in her oddly timed choice of a dress-form look in a week about curves and swerves, or in her Eartha Kitt impression — she knew it was brilliant but couldn't see that she needed jokes.) Too much confidence equals arrogance, which is more of a downer than a lack of vulnerability. Plus, we all know that this show loves a story of hubris before the fall, and I expect a big fall for Valentina, followed by the sort of temper tantrum that will make people forget all about Alaska's in AS2. As for Trinity the Tuck Taylor, apart from a very minor fumble during the Jersey Justice challenge, she's been killing it across the board. But I still think she won't win, because can we really have another white All Star?

What's great about Manila is that it's clear how hard she works, how much thought she puts into everything she does, and how much it means to her. Her upside-down painting demo in the talent show was the most interesting performance. Her Whitney lipsync was epic. The maxi-pad period dress she was supposed to wear in the 'padded for the gods' challenge is mind-blowing. Her Jersey Justice performance looked like she could have done it in her sleep. She's been working steadily over the past decade and she deserves to be rewarded for her staying power and tenacity. Furthermore, winning All Stars shouldn't just be about performing well in a competition but appearing as a viable successor to RuPaul herself. Chad Michaels? Sure. Alaska? Absofuckinglutely. Trixie? I'm still pretending that Shangela won. Manila? Yes, without a doubt.

Now I don't read spoilers and I'm not interested in them, but I'd like to make a prediction here. RuPaul was reportedly annoyed, if not outright angry, that Shangela didn't win AS3. I simply don't think she will let there be another winner who Ru isn't behind, and I feel that of the cast that's left, Ru herself is #TeamManila. If Manila ends up in the bottom, or even is voted out by her peers, I reckon that Ru will actually step in and stop it. Maybe it's just part of the game if the others are too intimidated by her to keep her, but I just don't think Ru will stand for it. Maybe Manila doesn't make you scream and cream like Valentina, so go ahead and follow her Insta and buy her t-shirt if you want, but then let Manila have the crown. She deserves it.

Liam Campbell is a photographer and editor of Elska Magazine, a publication that's nothing to do with Drag Race, though Tammie Brown was in one of the issues!



Liam Campbell
Liam Campbell

Written by Liam Campbell

Editor + Chief Photographer of Elska Magazine, a gay photography + culture mag, sharing local boys and local stories from around the world.

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